Should I Replace My Air Conditioner and Furnace at the Same Time?
With winter approaching, you’re probably starting to think more about your furnace. Does it just need heating system repairs? Or should it be replaced? And if so, should the air conditioning unit be replaced at the same time? Or should you wait? While every situation is different, the idea of replacing both systems at once is definitely worth exploring. Here are three main things to consider before replacing your Phoenix A/C and furnace units simultaneously:
1) Age and Condition of Systems
If either your air conditioner or your furnace has frequent issues, or if they are more than 12 years or older, replacement is probably the best option. Not only will your monthly energy bills drop due to the increased performance, but you’ll save money on costly A/C and heating system repairs. Plus with the new R410-A refrigerant being used in all new equipment, your old system may not work with newer equipment.
2) Save Time
Replacing both units at once is simply more efficient. Going through the process of finding a contractor, choosing a unit, filling out paperwork, and having it installed once is enough work: why do it all again in six months?
3) Save Money
It’s not uncommon for Phoenix A/C and heating contractors to offer deals on purchasing installing both systems at once. Furthermore, the package often includes same-day installation on both units, saving you even more time and money.
If you have questions about your air conditioning and/or furnace system(s), count on Precision Air & Plumbing for your home’s needs: these exclusive units are tough, environmentally friendly, highly compatible, and come with warranties on workmanship and parts. For comfort in the desert year-round, count on the Phoenix A/C and heating system repair pros at Precision Air & Plumbing. Call 602-fix-my-ac or visit our scheduling page to schedule an appointment.