Questions To Ask Before Getting Your Air Conditioner Serviced

If you’re getting your air conditioner serviced, it’s easy to let the professionals just do their job. But the more involved you are, the longer your air conditioner is likely to last. Like all home maintenance, HVAC upkeep should be a regular habit for all homeowners.

At Precision Air & Plumbing, we know how costly a dysfunctional air conditioner can be. It’s just part of the reason we offer a 10-year workmanship warranty, and why we encourage our customers to be as proactive as possible. Here are a few questions to ask during your appointment for better results.

How Much Energy Am I Using?

Some air conditioning units aren’t worth the excess glut in your utility bills. (Units that are more than 10 years old and still using Freon are likely in need of a replacement.) If more than half of your home’s energy use is from HVAC costs, it might be time to consider a more efficient model. A knowledgeable and experienced technician will look for all the usual suspects, but they’ll also consider additional causes.

For example, you might have an air leak or an insulation deficiency that’s causing the problem. Talk to the technician to learn more about how your system functions compared to others. In some cases, it might be a quick repair, but in others, you should consider the long-term savings of a replacement unit.

Can You Tell Me More About the Filter?

Where is the filter? How often do I need to change my filter? What’s the best brand of filters for my unit? How clogged does it need to be before it affects the efficiency of the unit? These questions give you a better idea of what you can do to cut back on costs and professional servicing. The filter is the heart of the HVAC operation, and it works best when it’s as clean as possible.

Homes that are meticulously dusted and vacuumed on a regular basis (with no smoke or pets) may only need to change their filters 3 or 4 times per year. Households with more particles in the air, whether coming from cat hair or dead skin cells, should aim for at least once every 2 months.

This is one of the simplest things you can do to keep your system running at top efficiency. (It’s also especially important for people with allergies to have clean air to breathe.) Have the technician walk you through how to change the filter if you’ve never done it before.

How Do My Ducts Look?

It’s rare for homeowners to consider the amount of debris in the air. But everyone knows what it’s like to look at a beam of sunlight and have the truth revealed. From dander to pollen, all of those minuscule bits will eventually end up in your air ducts.

It’s entirely normal for some build-up to occur in the air ducts. This is not a cause for concern. But if the ductwork isn’t addressed regularly, the accumulation can end up causing much bigger problems. From mold to rodents, ignoring these critical passageways in the house is a major mistake.

And even if you don’t end up with rats or water contamination, a thick enough clog will end up blowing all of your dust and debris back into the home. Again, people with allergies, in particular, should take note of this. An HVAC technician can look at the levels of dust to determine if they need a professional cleaning or maybe just a quick vacuum by you to clear out the excess.

How Often Does My AC Need Maintenance?

The temperatures have a lot to do with when and how often you should get your AC checked. Ideally, you should only be running the unit during warmer temperatures, so it functions correctly and there’s no chance of potential damage.

Servicing your unit means looking at everything from the coils to the fans. So if one of the belts is starting to come loose, the technician can tighten it up before it winds up failing in the middle of a heatwave.

A terminal or fin is going to get dirty after repeated use regardless of how much cleaning you do, but too much grime will ultimately impair its functionality. How often you should have your air conditioner serviced will depend on its age and how often you run it. However, the general rule of thumb is to have someone look at it right before heavy usage (e.g., as spring transitions to summer).

What Kind of Service Plans Are Available?

When our lives get busy, home maintenance is pushed to the back of our minds. After all, does an extra month or two really matter that much? But skipping home maintenance is a short-term decision that can quickly turn into long-term neglect.

Service plans are available to help people save time and money by bundling all of your visits into one expense. However, an even bigger benefit might be that it puts you on a preset schedule that ensures your system will get the attention it needs to run at its finest.

Not only will you see your utility bills come down, but you also won’t have to worry about whether your unit is going to overload the power grid the next time the temperatures soar. With the right service plan, you keep all of those small parts in the unit clean and working properly no matter how much pressure your system is under.

What Other Services Do You Offer?

From installation to replacement, a good technician will be able to help you out with any number of tasks. That kind of flexibility is what comes from years of being on the job and tackling every kind of job in the industry. At Precision Air & Plumbing, our technicians can take care of any number of repairs related to your most important home systems.

Is It Worth the Money?

If you’re wondering whether the money to get your air conditioner serviced is worth it, the answer is an unequivocal yes. It’s simply not worth the risk to assume that your air conditioner is ready for another season. The more questions you ask to those in the industry, the more you’ll understand just how to get the most out of your unit.

Call for Help

If you’re looking to get your air conditioner serviced, Precision Air & Plumbing is here to help. Give us a call today to see how our incredible staff can get your home in tip-top shape. We’re here to answer any questions you might have along the way.

gbryan August 31, 2020
erik - owner


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